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What to Eat


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Organic, sugar free, low GI, whole foods, plant based with occasional oily fish, low to no processed foods.

Food glycaemic index here.


Starve cancer by blocking its feeding pathways: cholesterol (fat), glutamine (amino acid found in protein, particularly meat) and glucose (sugar). You need to block at least two pathways because then it has nothing to feed on and will die. This can be achieved with drugs: Mebendazole, Metformin (or the natural Berberine), and Atorvorstatin.

It is imperative to be sugar free. Xylitol, stevia or erythritol (may cause heart issues - please research) are all zero on the GI scale which makes them perfect as a sugar replacement. Make sure they are pure.

Many practitioners recommend a low GI, primarily organic, vegan, gluten free, rainbow diet. The point is to keep your blood sugar stable and intake of high GI starches and sugars low. Foods you could include occasionally to keep some balance and variety: brown or basmati wholegrain rice, gluten free seeded bread, sweet potatoes, gluten free pasta, beans and lentils. Unfortunately white potatoes are not low GI in any form.

Raspberries, blueberries and strawberries are low sugar fruits that you can eat. I also eat other fruit on occasions except for bananas and dried fruits because they affect my blood sugar.

Cut out dairy completely because it is inflammatory. Use zero sugar soy milk, regular soy milk, oat milk, cashew milk, almond milk. I recommend always opting for the lowest net carbs (carb minus fibre = net carbs), which is zero sugar soy milk. It takes a minute to get used to the taste but it is worth it.

Glutamine, an amino acid found in proteins, particularly meat, feeds cancer and needs to be blocked by pulsing - one day block, the next day do not block. This is VERY difficult to achieve since glutamine is an essential amino acid and found in all foods. There is a drug call DON (6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine) that is being used at some places in the US (Hippocrates Foundation in Texas) with success, although there may be some safety issues. It is not available in the UK.

There is some evidence to show that green tea and Berberine both block glutamine.

Some people with breast and other hormonal cancers avoid soy. You must research this.

Fasting - both intermittent and three+ day water fasts have been proven to be very helpful is reducing tumour load. During fasting, black coffee and tea is allowed with nothing else in it except MCT oil or coconut oil to help supplements absorb and to encourage ketosis, which kills cancer cells. You will drop a lot of weight so it isn't suitable for everyone, particularly if you are already lean. I do 16-20 hr daily fasts and every few weeks I do a three day fast. More info on fasting.


Avoid seed oils. Use olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil and avocado oil. Seed oils are inflammatory.


Purchase a Zero Water filter.

Matcha green tea
Green tea

Dandelion tea
Soursop/Essiac tea - available as a supplement also.
Fresh celery juice daily if you can keep it down. The Medical Medium promotes this as a super herb that can heal the whole body and detox the liver. Juice one or two heads of organic celery.
Decaffeinated drinks (caffeine is acidic)
Alkalise the body with lemon water or 1/2 tsp baking soda (bicarb) in water every morning.

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