My Story
A brief summary - more coming soon
MY CANCER JOURNEY - Colorectal adenacarcinoma KRAF/BRAF wild type, with mets
In Oct 2022 I had a colorectal (CRC) tumour removed, along with 5 lymph nodes.
In Dec 2023 I had my ovaries removed, which was not ovarian cancer as such, but CRC metastisised.
In Jan 2024 I was told it had spread with small deposits on my peritoneum, abdomen, liver and lymph nodes in groin. I was initially offered cytoreductive surgery with HIPEC but then that offer was postponed until the spread is under control. I have since been offered chemotherapy but I do not want that. The surgeon outright told me to not use off-label (repurposed) drugs because they have not been proven to work for cancer. My own research and experience tells me that chemo doesn't work for cancer in the long term and damages the body sometimes beyond repair, but that the protocol has worked for thousands of people. So I am choosing to follow my own intuition on this for now. You must do your own research and decide for yourself how you want to proceed.
Feb 2024 - Liver tumour doubled in size. Pain in abdomen. Advised the spread is aggressive and urged to start chemo and told that if I do nothing then I will likely die this year. CEA up from 8 to 21. I do not know what it is at currently.
May 2024 - I am off to Arcadia in Germany for three weeks of cancer treatment. Hyperthermia Hannover also has a good program.